We are often frustrated as parents that we don’t know what our child has done when they spend time away from us in schools or nursery. We try our best to ensure that at the end of the day you have a wee insight into what they have done – what we do know is that they have done a whole lot more that would take us much more time to share with you! As adults we can sometimes focus on the “grumbles” of our child’s day and forget the “wonder” of our child’s day. Our child do pick up on this focus of attention on the “grumbles” rather than the “wonders” and so they learn to sometimes feedback the “grumbles” too!
So how can you glean more insight and feedback from your child about all the “wonders” they have done? How can you ask questions of them that might elicit a response and give you insight into what is going on inside their little growing minds?
I have put together a number of questions that might elicit some response and engage your child in conversation with you about the “wonders” they have done with a little help from the book by Steven W. Vannoy called “The 10 Greatest Gifts I give my Children” (Parenting from the Heart). Please note that some are better suited to younger/older children as appropriate;
These questions will help establish for you and your child, what is acceptable, right and wrong and give them an action plan as to what to do in certain situations when it can be difficult for them to articulate how they feel, or find a place to be angry – being angry is ok, so acknowledge with your child that they can be angry – it’s how to enable your child to do with it that’s important! If they want to throw, find safe things for them to throw;
“Ok Caesar, I can see that you are angry about that and you want to throw. Shall we find safe things to throw, so that you can throw? That’s exactly how to throw safe things when we are angry.”
Or hit……………..or run…………..etc. If your child needs to act out their anger, ensure they can by acknowledging it and directing them safely to do so and then allowing them to undertake the safe action.
Someone offered you a ride home from school that you didn’t know/
I got lost and you couldn’t find me in the shop?
You made a special card for Granny?
You swept up the leaves for our next door neighbor as a surprise?
Your friend tells you a secret that you are not to tell anyone?
Your friend takes one of your books without asking you?
Your friend at school is unkind to you?
Your teacher at school shouts at you or punishes the whole class?
Give your child what you feel is a reasonable answer to each of these so that they know what to do should this instance arise.
These are simply just a few wee hints and tips that have come to mind.